Comments on: DeRose Hinkhouse Awards Spot My WordPress Blog Tue, 03 Nov 2009 18:52:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: timfrakes Tue, 03 Nov 2009 18:52:18 +0000 This comment came from a view in Houston, Texas…

>>> Bama 10/31/2009 5:50 AM >>>
I couldn’t sleep so got up and turned on the tv. Here in Houston, KTRK, the local ABC station, showed “Ready to Forgive: An African Story of Grace” from 3 to 4AM.

After watching, I immediately wrote the Local ABC station asking them to please try to get it shown when most people are actually UP and watching TV. I then wrote the National ABC station asking them to show it during Primetime, like maybe on 20/20 or an ABC Special or something.

So many people here in America need to see that. There is so much violence, anger, and hate here with, I think probably much of it as a result from years of abuse when young. This documentary really shows and explains how forgiveness changes things, changes lives.

It even tells HOW to forgive a few times throughout the story. One example of where I feel yall TOLD us HOW to do it, is through the little boy saying to “just pray”. The girl on the motorcycle and the girl with her picture on your website home page… saying how forgiveness changes people… changed THEM, and then saying HOW to do it.

I needed to hear that because I have never known HOW to make the anger and hate go away that has seemed to own me for so many years no matter how much I prayed to quit feeling so angry inside and feeling so much hate towards men for so many years. I have been stuffing it and trying to hold it in for so many years but hated how I felt.

I believe God got me up to see that. I believe He had me see it on purpose. Anyway, thank you for making it. When I get my next check, I am going to order a copy. But now, I want yall to pray that God goes before those emails I sent, and really touches the hearts or something in the people who read them….. so they will get it put on tv nation wide, when people are most likely to be up, awake, and watching.

The girl is right in that video. God CAN change the world with that video !!

Again, thank you.
