Hait Notes: It is 5:00 a.m. here in Port Au Prince. A still photographer, Paul Jeffrey and I are driving out to the city center this morning to do some filming in good light.
I am staying at the Haiti offices of the Lutheran World Federation. It is a large house converted into offices in normal times. These days it is packed with faith-based non-governmental organization staff members from all over the world. They are coordinating relief efforts and helping Haitians move on with their lives. We have running water (cold only) from a tank and electricity from a generator.
No sleeping quarters, so I and others are camped out in tents at various places in the compound. The compound is up in the hills overlooking the city. We have two armed guards who stand watch over night. No rioting or anything close to it here. In fact, I have seen only orderly behavior as I travel across the city.
The destruction is massive in the city center. It is easy to see how so many were killed. No bodies in the streets. All have been picked up and buried. Almost every open space, park or parking-lot has been converted into a tent city.
We are hearing that Americans are outraged because of the rioting. I think when Fox News or CNN hear about a large government food/water distribution, (typically unorganized) they are ready with cameras to record the melee.
In reality, most distributions are organized and peaceful. Everyone is working to make the best of a bad situation.
I am headed home on Monday through the Dominican Republic. I catch an American Airlines flight Tuesday.
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