Evangelized by the Poor: Photographer Paul Jeffrey

United Methodist Communications produced this video about my friend and colleague Paul Jeffrey http://kairosphotos.com Over the years, I’ve encountered a handful of individuals who inspire and convict me by demonstrating what it means to be a person of faith in complex world. Paul Jeffrey is one of those people.

“Despair, I’m convinced, is often a privilege of class. The poor don’t have the luxury of giving up.” The Rev. Paul Jeffrey is a United Methodist missionary who “uses both images and words to show how God is moving in the world to empower people who’ve been relegated to the margins.” Jeffrey has filed stories from more than 65 countries and won many awards for his work. “I’m constantly amazed at the hospitality of the poor. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been welcomed to a dirt-floor tent or house of someone who’s extremely poor, but they can’t wait to offer me something to drink or to eat or their only chair to sit on. I’m continually evangelized by the poor.”


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