Comments on: Christianity Today Reviews People of Faith My WordPress Blog Mon, 03 Dec 2012 21:22:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: gino smillie Mon, 03 Dec 2012 21:22:12 +0000 Pretty fair and balanced review – might make the creators squirm here and there, but one particular critique is, I think, well-founded: after 5 nicely-documented, authorities-validated, segments in which history is reported, analyzed, and very-lightly evaluated, the 6th one suddenly and with no apparent warrant, branches out into “should” language.
That always bothers me, has become a trademark of what used to be “objective” news broadcasts, and was lamented last week on TV in a wonderful one hour dialogue at Harvard between Ted Koppel and Marvin Kalb, two veterans and “rivals/friends” from the glory days of news broadcasting where, as Koppel sincerely reported, “not even my wife knows who I vote for.”
The 6 volume video series suggests effectively enough what lessons might be learned from American church history. It does a good enough job at that to obviate the necessity of coming out at the end with a sort of sermonizing “what shall we do now?” kind of conclusion.
Otherwise, the series is great, and should re-awaken slumbering American church interest in the historical trajectories that have brought us to where we are now and to the controversies and discussions we have today.
