Comments on: Gun Violence: The Faith Response My WordPress Blog Sun, 16 Dec 2012 12:00:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andy Tue, 25 Sep 2012 00:33:45 +0000 Nicely produced, as always, Tim! I really liked many of the key messages of the piece.

Actually, if it wasn’t for the introductory comments by the correspondent, I wouldn’t sense concern about the piece. But when she dropped the “where’s the moral outrage against the gun lobby” I thought she lost credibility of this being about the “faith response” and more about a political statement.

The record is not clear at all that gun control reduces violent crime. Though not a recent article, this NY Times piece shows that it’s not as simple as some might think:

Regardless, I continue to be impressed with how you masterfully capture and present a story, Tim. Nice job.

By: timfrakes Fri, 21 Sep 2012 00:28:50 +0000 In reply to Christian Gun Owner.

Dear Christian Gun Owner. It sure would be great if you added your name to the post. Also, I have an FOID card, am a gun owner and hunter. I’m also pro-life, voted for Ronald Reagan and am in favor of strong sentencing guidelines. If that makes me liberal leaning, then, perhaps we need a new definition. Tim

By: Christian Gun Owner Fri, 21 Sep 2012 00:01:25 +0000 The closing statement says it all… PARENTS, guide your children, don’t ever let them make the mistakes Dimitrius (sp?) made.
My fear is that this ‘documentary’ is one-sided and will not be honestly researched or presented. Nothing personally against you Tim but my impression has always been that you are a very left leaning individual.

Yes, I know I’m making assumptions here but knowing ABC’s anti-gun owner (and anti-conservative and anti-Christian) bent, I’m expecting this to be another one-sided anti-gun owner piece attempting to place the blame of gun violence on the existence and presence of an inanimate object rather than addressing true issue at hand. Please understand I’m not making the statement here than conservative = Christian or that non-conservative Christian. That’s another argument entirely.

Instead of stigmatizing guns, gun owners, and the gun lobby (more God fearing Christians in the gun lobby than in the ACLU I’ll bet…), perhaps Christians should be praying for and supporting kids and inner city parents. You want gun violence to end? Get rid of violence. I’ve grown up with guns all my life. I own one myself.

Guess what, it’s never gone off by itself, it’s never taken possession of me and made me do something illegal or violent, it’s never wandered off at night by itself with mayhem in its mind (at least not that I’ve found out so far…).

In the meantime, it’s here ready to fulfill the purpose for which it was designed. That is, the protection and defense of my home and family. That’s EVERY person’s duty and responsibility, including Christian men and women. When violence ends I’ll re-examine my opinion and support of the NRA and the ISRA.

I can’t help but wonder when a sister documentary will come out demanding abolition of alcohol. Doesn’t alcohol cause more harm and damage than firearms? What about automobiles? More people are killed by automobiles by far than by firearms (suicides excluded).

Let’s be fair minded on this issue. Until the wolves have all their teeth pulled, the sheep will need to be able to defend themselves. Frankly, as a Christian I consider that the only Shepherd I need or want is Christ. I don’t need a shepherd (government?) or sheepdogs (police?) when I’m being attacked by wolves, I need teeth.

Remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Why do I carry a firearm? Because a cop is too heavy.
