Author: timfrakes
Godparents for Tanzania, Gilba Hidie Greeting
G4TZ graduate Joshua is the first in his family to attend school beyond the seventh grade. After completing secondary school, he went to teacher training college where he was ranked first in his class. Joshua has just received his first teaching assignment in Rombo, Kilimanjaro region, where he will teach math and science at a…
Fracking Southern Illinois: Faithful Opposition
Fracking Southern Illinois Faithful Opposition This special half hour documentary explores the critical ethical questions behind hydraulic fracking. Produced by Greater Chicago Broadcast Ministries and Tim Frakes Productions. Every person on earth depends on oil, natural gas, and water for transportation, heating, cooking and countless daily tasks, but is our expanding consumption of energy resources…
Leaders for the Next: Otis Moss III
Chicago Theological Seminary graduates do amazing, meaningful work. Whether as church ministers, teachers, community organizers or advocates of justice, our students become Leaders for the Next. Here is a story I produced for CTS with Mike Jordan and 31 Lengths.
Fracking Southern Illinois: Faithful Opposition
Fracking Southern Illinois: Faithful Opposition Sunday, June 30, 1:00 p.m. ABC7 Chicago Oil, natural gas and water. Every member of society depends on these resources for transportation, heating, cooking and thousands of daily tasks. But is our expanding demand for energy resources faithful? Recent advances in an oil and natural gas extraction process that uses…
Images of Pakistan
Here are a few images from my brief visit to Pakistan with Intersections International. The music is a Sufi poet who agreed to sing for me one evening at Lahore University. I’m not sure about the lyrics, however, I suspect it’s a love song. I added the tabla and flute.
The Pakistani View
In the run-up to historic elections in Pakistan, Dr. Amineh Ahmed Hoti and Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad share their views on the US-Pakistan Interreligious Consortium from the Pakistani point of view. Facilitated by Intersections International — and in collaboration with the International Islamic University in Islamabad (IIU) and the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) —…
Everyone Loves Ice Cream
Everyone loves Ice cream. Even in an Islamabad, Pakistan market. Travel teaches me that you see what you look for. If you expect terrorist, plan to be frightened, and assume the worst, that’s probably what you will see. On the other hand, if you look for kindness, humor, and hospitality, that is most certainly what…
Melody Fox Ahmed: The Future of Pakistan-US Relations
Melody Fox Ahmed from Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs discovers a alternative face of Pakistan while visiting Lahore Institute for Mechanical Sciences (LOMS). Facilitated by Intersections International, and in collaboration with the International Islamic University in Islamabad (IIU) and the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), the visit was part…
Richard L. Hamm: After 9/11
Rev. Richard L. Hamm is the former head of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). After 9/11, Hamm began to intentionally reach out to the Muslim community. His visit to Pakistan is an extension of that calling. Facilitated by Intersections International, and in collaboration with the International Islamic University in Islamabad (IIU) and the Lahore…