Author: timfrakes
People of Faith Publicity
People of Faith: Christianity in America is getting some local media attention these days. Wheaton College issued a news release this week. Also, Jane Charmelo, a reporter for the Lombardian, our home-town newspaper, ran the following piece in it’s February 15 issue. ‘People of Faith’ explores church history – by Jane Charmelo, Lombardian and Villa…
Matthiessen State Park Fog
Matthiessen State Park is located in central LaSalle County, Illinois, southwest of Chicago. These shots were taken along the Vermilion River which runs through part of the park. My son, Connor performed the guitar music.
Candace Minster – Spiritual Journey
This story reminds me of summer. Candace Minster is an Environmental Education Coordinator at the White Violet Eco-Justice Center, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-in-the-Woods, Indiana. I recorded this story for 30 Good Minutes, WTTW, Channel 11, PBS, Chicago on a blazing-hot summer day.
People of Faith: Christianity in America Reviews
Having no shame, I asked a few friends to review People of Faith: Christianity in America for the Vision Video website. If you are planning an adult Sunday school curriculum, consider these recommendations. Time flew by People of Faith Christianity in America presents an outstanding overview of the history and practice of Christianity in America…
Shalom Singers Video for United Methodist General Conference
This February I will be back in Haiti recording several new music videos which will be integrated into worship settings at the United Methodist Church’s 2012 General Conference, scheduled for April 24-May 4 in Tampa, Fla. The music group, The Shalom Singers, are part of a UMC funded development project known as Haitian Artisans for…
People of Faith: Christianity in America
In October, 2010, Larry Eskridge from the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals at Wheaton College asked me to help produce People of Faith: Christianity in America, a six episode video series that tells the story of American Christianity in all its diversity from the colonial period to the present. The series is a…
Honoring MLK, KKK Cross Sculpture at Chicago Temple
This fall I ran across a sculpture at the First United Methodist Church at the Chicago Temple. This sculpture is based upon a cross that was burned on the lawn of Tougaloo College in Jackson, Mississippi in the autumn of 1963. The students were being encouraged by Ed King, the campus minister to go into…
Pico Dolly Shots
My new Pico Dolly arrived. Here are some shots I recorded in the kitchen while learning to use it. Panasonic Lumix GF3, Micro 4/3s camera.
Edongo Band, Kitgum, Northern Uganda
Jim Quattrocki and I were in Kitgum, Northern Uganda, recording a story at the Anglican Cathedral. I can’t remember if this is out of his camera or mine. Either way, it was a great day and beautiful music.