Author: timfrakes

  • Children’s Peace Camp in Ramallah

    Love Thy Neighbor The Living nonviolence peace camp is a ministry of Love Thy Neighbor, an organization dedicated to provide educational resources and programs about the plight of Palestinians in Palestine/Israel and to support both peoples’ deepening commitment to nonviolence as the way to bring a just peace for themselves and their neighbors.

  • Christian Housing Initiative in the Holy Land

    Augusta Victoria Hospital, a healthcare ministry of the Lutheran World Federation, has been serving Palestinians for nearly 60 years. In 2007, the Lutheran World Federation, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, and the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Foundation announced plans for a new, 84-unit housing facility for Palestinian Christians on the Mount of…

  • Wrapping up visit to the Holy Land.

    My time in the Holy Land is drawing to a close. Yesterday was spent on the Mount of Olives at the Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH). Kaiser Willhelm built the institution a century ago as a retreat for German Pilgrims. Since the 1950’s it as been run by the Lutheran World Federation as a hospital for…

  • Our Project Begins

    After breakfast at St. George’s, Jean and I walked back into the Old City to worship at ?Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. The Church was built for 19th century German ?pilgrims visiting the Holy Land. There are two congregations, one in Arabic, and the ?other in English. There is something compelling about worship in Jerusalem.…

  • Back to the Holy Land

    The next chapter in my travels began as it usually does, at O’Hare International Airport. This trip back to the Holy Land is my first as an independent producer. I am traveling with Jean Martensen, a long-time colleague from the ELCA. Jean asked me to produce a short video documentary for “Love Thy Neighbor” a…

  • Prayer

    Go on a prayer journey across the Church. In Michigan and Wisconsin the internet is helping connect people who pray. Learn about a prayer scrapbooking ministry in Rochelle, Illinois. Intercessory prayer ministry is modeled by Bethlehem Lutheran, an urban, African American congregation in New Orleans. This documentary also explores the scriptural foundation for prayer and…

  • Headed Back to the Holy Land

    July 6-16, 2007 I will return to the Holy Land to record footage for three projects. One is a children’s peace camp at the Lutheran School of Hope in Ramallah. The second project is “The Life of Apostle Peter with Rick Steves.” The third is footage for a video about fundamentalism. This video was recorded…

  • El Yunque, the Caribbean National Forest

    Back in the early 2,000’s I was in Puerto Rico shooting a story and stopped by El Yunque, the Caribbean National Forest. This national treasure is located in the Luquillo Mountains on the eastern edge of the Island of Puerto Rico. The forest is the only tropical rain forest in the U.S. National Forest System.…

  • The Life of Apostle Paul with Rick Steves

    I recorded this documentary in 2004 in Greece and Turkey while working for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Travel expert and faithful Lutheran Rick Steves came along as on-camera host. Rick also did most of the work on the script. Jim Parks edited the footage. About two thousand years ago Roman soldiers executed Jesus…

  • Ready to Forgive: An African Story of Grace

    Jim Quattrocki and I produced this documentary in Northern Uganda in October, 2006. Kevin Jacobson helped with logistics. Jim Parks edited the program and wrote some of the music. This is an African story of God’s amazing grace. Northern Uganda has been at war for twenty years. Those most affected, a tribal people known as…