Middle East Archives - Tim Frakes Productions https://frakesproductions.com/category/middle-east/ My WordPress Blog Wed, 20 Sep 2017 15:20:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Modern Christian Martyrs https://frakesproductions.com/2017/09/20/modern-christian-martyrs/ https://frakesproductions.com/2017/09/20/modern-christian-martyrs/#respond Wed, 20 Sep 2017 15:20:26 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=9359 Kidnapped, tortured, their priest murdered, a Syrian family is forced to flee, finding asylum here in the United States. In this edition of Sanctuary I produced for Greater Chicago Broadcast Ministries, we meet the Alkhoury family, and take a closer look at growing evidence of widespread persecution of religious minorities, as well as efforts by […]

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Kidnapped, tortured, their priest murdered, a Syrian family is forced to flee, finding asylum here in the United States.

In this edition of Sanctuary I produced for Greater Chicago Broadcast Ministries, we meet the Alkhoury family, and take a closer look at growing evidence of widespread persecution of religious minorities, as well as efforts by faith communities here in Chicago, the United States government, and the United Nations to find ways to support and protect some of the worlds most vulnerable people.

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https://frakesproductions.com/2017/09/20/modern-christian-martyrs/feed/ 0 9359
LWF Jerusalem Isak Abu Sbieh https://frakesproductions.com/2016/08/16/lwf-jerusalem-isak-abu-sbieh/ https://frakesproductions.com/2016/08/16/lwf-jerusalem-isak-abu-sbieh/#respond Tue, 16 Aug 2016 12:40:48 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=9147 Isak Abu Sbieh is a Palestinian dialysis patient at the Lutheran World Federation‘s Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) in East Jerusalem. Abu Sbieh lives in Kafr Aqb, an Arab village just beyond the Kalandia checkpoint north of Jerusalem. Three times a week Abu Sbieh must pass back and forth through the Kalandia checkpoint on his way […]

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Isak Abu Sbieh is a Palestinian dialysis patient at the Lutheran World Federation‘s Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) in East Jerusalem. Abu Sbieh lives in Kafr Aqb, an Arab village just beyond the Kalandia checkpoint north of Jerusalem. Three times a week Abu Sbieh must pass back and forth through the Kalandia checkpoint on his way to AVH for dialysis.

Kalandia is the main checkpoint between the northern West Bank and Jerusalem. The checkpoint is used by the Israeli military to control Palestinian access to East Jerusalem and Israel. Israel requires Palestinians to have permits to pass through the checkpoint to East Jerusalem and Israel for their work, medical care, education or for religious reasons. Kalandia is only 8 miles from Augusta Victoria Hospital, but the checkpoint process often takes 2-3 hours each way. Without dialysis, Abu Sbieh would perish.

Augusta Victoria Hospital AVH is the first and only hospital to provide radiation therapy for cancer patients in the Palestinian territories and is the only medical facility in the West Bank offering pediatric kidney dialysis.

The Rev. Eric C. Shafer and I recorded this story in February, 2016.

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https://frakesproductions.com/2016/08/16/lwf-jerusalem-isak-abu-sbieh/feed/ 0 9147
The Living Stones: A Holy Land Invitation from Bishop Younan https://frakesproductions.com/2016/01/14/the-living-stones-a-holy-land-invitation-from-bishop-younan/ https://frakesproductions.com/2016/01/14/the-living-stones-a-holy-land-invitation-from-bishop-younan/#respond Thu, 14 Jan 2016 15:00:39 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=9207 The Rev. Dr. Munib A. Younan, Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, extends and invitation for pilgrims to visit the Holy Land to see the living stones.

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The Rev. Dr. Munib A. Younan, Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, extends and invitation for pilgrims to visit the Holy Land to see the living stones.

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https://frakesproductions.com/2016/01/14/the-living-stones-a-holy-land-invitation-from-bishop-younan/feed/ 0 9207
Stations of the Cross https://frakesproductions.com/2015/06/18/stations-of-the-cross/ https://frakesproductions.com/2015/06/18/stations-of-the-cross/#respond Thu, 18 Jun 2015 18:35:13 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=8958 Stations of the Cross A 14-part adult ecumenical, education resource, illuminating the stations of the cross in Jerusalem through stories of the Palestinian people.  Partner with us as we re-introduce and connect an ancient act of Christian devotion with contemporary stories of the Palestinian people in a new DVD educational resource that will support the work of the Evangelical Lutheran […]

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Stations of the Cross

A 14-part adult ecumenical, education resource, illuminating the stations of the cross in Jerusalem through stories of the Palestinian people. 

Partner with us as we re-introduce and connect an ancient act of Christian devotion with contemporary stories of the Palestinian people in a new DVD educational resource that will support the work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan and the Holy Land, Augusta Victoria Hospital and the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem.




The Stations of the Cross trace the route taken by Jesus of Nazareth from the Garden of Gethsemane through the old city of Jerusalem to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the tomb and the traditional site of the resurrection.

Christians in North America tend to think of the crucifixion as an historical event. While this is true, the Stations of the Cross also show us how God is at work in the world today and how God calls us to active witness and service.

In this 14-part adult educational DVD and on-line resource, Pastor Eric C. Shafer will help audiences new to the stations understand and appreciate the story and how each fits into the Biblical and traditional narrative.

The program will also link the ancient story with living narratives drawn from Palestinian communities served by Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, Augusta Victoria Hospital and the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem.

Christians now make up less than 5% of the population in the Middle East, down from 20% in the early 20th century.  This educational resource will help Christians in the West understand their own story while connecting them with and calling them to support their Christian brothers and sisters in Middle East.  By supporting our campaign, you will also help us produce new interpretation and communication video content for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem web sites.

Our Team

The Rev. Eric C. Shafer is the Senior Pastor at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Santa Monica, California.  He is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio and Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA.  Shafer has extensive international expertise including time teaching in South Africa and Madagascar and multiple trips to Jerusalem and the West Bank. He may be best known for his work as Executive Director of the Department for Communication in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American and his efforts to revive the popular 1960’s stop-motion animation children’s program, “Davey and Goliath.”

Shafer also served as Senior Vice President for Philanthropy and Faith Community Relations for Odyssey Networks, where he led efforts to open membership to faith groups beyond Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Shafer served as Senior Pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lansdale, PA, the 9th largest congregation in the ELCA. Other positions held by Pastor Shafer include: Director for Communication for the ELCA; Assistant to the Bishop of the ELCA’s Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod; and pastor of Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church in Catasauqua, PA.

The resource will be produced by Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in cooperation with Tim Frakes Productions Inc., the Lutheran World Federation Department for World Service, Jerusalem and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan & the Holy Land (ELCJHL).

Tim Frakes is an award winning videographer, video producer, script writer and editor. A 1984 graduate of Harding University his videos are broadcast on major television networks and distributed world wide through DVD. From 1993 to 2007 Mr. Frakes served as the principal videographer for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

What We Need & What You Get

The total budget for this project is estimated to be $5,000.00.  These funds will cover basic costs associated with filming on location in Jerusalem in January, 2016 The finished project is anticipated in mid 2016.

Your support is essential!

  • All donors will receive progress updates.
  • Donors at the $25+ level will be named in the film credits.
  • Donors at the $50+ level will be named in the film credits and receive a DVD upon completion of the project in the summer of 2016.
  • Donors at the $100+ level may select the option to receive a DVD gift package from Tim Frakes Productions, which includes a DVD copy of “Seminex: Memories of a Church Divided.
  • Donors at the $500+ level may select the option to have one of the script writers come to your location (within Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Indiana or Southern California) and give a lecture on the Stations of the Cross and this film project to your congregation or school group.
  • Donors at the $1000+ level may select the option to have Eric Shafer or Tim Frakes come to your location (within the U.S.) and give a lecture on Stations of the Cross and this film project to your congregation or school group.


  • Completing the on-location lectures will require long-range planning of up to 2 years following the completion of the project, and will be limited to the speaker’s availability.  Some extremely remote locations may not be possible.
  • Any remaining funds in excess of expenditures will be used for post-production costs and distribution of this film.
  • If for some reason we are not able to meet our fundraising goals or complete this project, any unused funds will benefit the work of the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you are not able to help with a financial contribution, we still hope you can help us in the following ways:

  • Spread the word about this campaign to your friends, by forwarding, re-posting on social media, or by using the “Indiegogo share tools.”
  • Pray for this project to be a success and blessing for everyone involved!



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https://frakesproductions.com/2015/06/18/stations-of-the-cross/feed/ 0 8958
Sanctuary, Healing in a Holy Land ELCA News Release https://frakesproductions.com/2014/09/21/sanctuary-healing-in-a-holy-land-elca-news-release/ https://frakesproductions.com/2014/09/21/sanctuary-healing-in-a-holy-land-elca-news-release/#respond Sun, 21 Sep 2014 21:53:08 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=8153 Sanctuary, Healing in a Holy Land from Tim Frakes on Vimeo. Augusta Victoria Hospital featured in documentary By Candice Buchbinder, ELCA News Augusta Victoria Hospital, located on the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem, is featured in a documentary, “Healing in a Holy Land,” produced by Frakes Productions. Augusta Victoria is a program of The […]

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Sanctuary, Healing in a Holy Land from Tim Frakes on Vimeo.

Augusta Victoria Hospital featured in documentary
By Candice Buchbinder, ELCA News
Augusta Victoria Hospital, located on the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem, is featured in a documentary, “Healing in a Holy Land,” produced by Frakes Productions. Augusta Victoria is a program of The Lutheran World Federation and supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

Recording in Jerusalem

In August the ELCA provided $100,000 in humanitarian assistance to help support the operation of the healthcare system in the midst of the recent violence in the Middle East. The funds were disbursed through Lutheran Disaster Response to The Lutheran World Federation, a global communion of 144 churches representing more than 72 million Christians in 79 countries. The ELCA is the communion’s only member church from the United States.
During filming this past April, “the situation in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem was relatively quiet. However, the systemic factors which led up to this summer’s violent confrontations were all in place,” said Tim Frakes of Frakes Productions.
Frakes said his team “observed the many checkpoints and physical barriers which prevent Palestinians from moving freely from their homes to places of business to schools and healthcare facilities.

“We also observed the effects of high unemployment in the West Bank and the strong desire on the part of many Palestinian youth to obtain an education and thus create hope for some kind of sustainable employment.”
In his visits with Gaza patients and their families, Frakes had the opportunity to hear personal stories about the siege of Gaza.

“Augusta Victoria Hospital arranges for Gaza patients to come to East Jerusalem, accompanied by one family member,” said Frakes. “(The hospital) houses these families in a modest hotel on the Mount of Olives. During the day, while patients are receiving treatment, family members are not permitted to venture outside the hotel. Doing so subjects them to arrest and imprisonment. Once the treatment, which often takes several days, is complete, the patient and their family member must get back on a bus and return to Gaza.”

“The documentary is designed to present a stark contrast to the images of war and death by holding up tangible evidence of positive work being done on the behalf of ELCA members,” said Frakes. “The Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem’s Augusta Victoria Hospital is truly ‘God’s work. Our hands.’”

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https://frakesproductions.com/2014/09/21/sanctuary-healing-in-a-holy-land-elca-news-release/feed/ 0 8153
Healing in a Holy Land: New Broadcast Documentary, ABC7 Chicago https://frakesproductions.com/2014/08/19/augusta-victoria-hospital-jerusalem-new-broadcast-documentary-abc7-chicago/ https://frakesproductions.com/2014/08/19/augusta-victoria-hospital-jerusalem-new-broadcast-documentary-abc7-chicago/#comments Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:21:21 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=8094 Healing in a Holy Land How about some good news from the Middle East! The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)-run Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) in Jerusalem provides life-saving healthcare to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, and is the subject of a new documentary I produced for Greater Chicago Broadcast Ministries. The AVH is an […]

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Healing in a Holy Land
How about some good news from the Middle East! The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)-run Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) in Jerusalem provides life-saving healthcare to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, and is the subject of a new documentary I produced for Greater Chicago Broadcast Ministries.

The AVH is an important pillar in the Palestinian health system and is widely acknowledged in governmental and church circles for its excellent treatment and care. The hospital recently sent voluntary medical teams to Gaza to help treat the injured in the conflict

Join us for stories of hope, faith and courage.
– George Abu Saadah is alive through kidney dialysis.
– A mobile diabetes clinic takes healthcare into villages.
– A world-class soccer field brings joy to children.
– Red Nose Clown Doctors lift the spirits of children receiving life-saving cancer and kidney treatment.
– Vocational Training in East Jerusalem and Ramallah prepares Palestinian youth for meaningful jobs.

For more information, check out this blog post from the Lutheran World Federation.

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https://frakesproductions.com/2014/08/19/augusta-victoria-hospital-jerusalem-new-broadcast-documentary-abc7-chicago/feed/ 2 8094
Planned Elder Care Facility at Augusta Victoria Hospital, Jerusalem https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/28/planned-elder-care-facility-at-augusta-victoria-hospital-jerusalem/ https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/28/planned-elder-care-facility-at-augusta-victoria-hospital-jerusalem/#respond Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:30:05 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=8072 This is a video I produced for Mark Brown and the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem‘s Augusta Victoria Hospital. There is an urgent need for elder care and palliative medicine in Palestine and Israel. Augusta Victoria Hospital is responding to that need by building a 120-bed facility for elder care and palliative care on the east […]

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This is a video I produced for Mark Brown and the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem‘s Augusta Victoria Hospital. There is an urgent need for elder care and palliative medicine in Palestine and Israel. Augusta Victoria Hospital is responding to that need by building a 120-bed facility for elder care and palliative care on the east side of the hospital. This facility will help both patients and their families cope with the difficulties of their circumstances.

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https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/28/planned-elder-care-facility-at-augusta-victoria-hospital-jerusalem/feed/ 0 8072
Augusta Victoria Hospital Mobile Diabetes Clinic https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/21/augusta-victoria-hospital-mobile-diabetes-clinic/ https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/21/augusta-victoria-hospital-mobile-diabetes-clinic/#respond Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:40:30 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=8061 Amidst the conflict and tragedy currently taking place in Gaza, Augusta Victoria Hospital and the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem continue to provide on-going care for Palestinians. One example is the first mobile diabetes clinic to serve the southern part of Palestine. The mobile clinic is equipped with a diabetes clinic, eye clinic, and a foot […]

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Amidst the conflict and tragedy currently taking place in Gaza, Augusta Victoria Hospital and the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem continue to provide on-going care for Palestinians. One example is the first mobile diabetes clinic to serve the southern part of Palestine. The mobile clinic is equipped with a diabetes clinic, eye clinic, and a foot care clinic.

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https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/21/augusta-victoria-hospital-mobile-diabetes-clinic/feed/ 0 8061
Serving Gaza, AVH Efforts to Ensure Access to Healthcare https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/14/serving-gaza-avh-efforts-to-ensure-access-to-healthcare/ https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/14/serving-gaza-avh-efforts-to-ensure-access-to-healthcare/#respond Mon, 14 Jul 2014 15:03:22 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=8020 This is a video I produced for the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem and Augusta Victoria Hospital. AVH and the LWF work hard to ensure the rights of patients in the West Bank and Gaza to access health care. Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem provides specialty services that are not available anywhere else in Gaza […]

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This is a video I produced for the Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem and Augusta Victoria Hospital. AVH and the LWF work hard to ensure the rights of patients in the West Bank and Gaza to access health care. Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem provides specialty services that are not available anywhere else in Gaza or the West Bank.

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https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/14/serving-gaza-avh-efforts-to-ensure-access-to-healthcare/feed/ 0 8020
LWF Mount of Olives Sports Field https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/06/8008/ https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/06/8008/#respond Sun, 06 Jul 2014 19:53:54 +0000 http://www.frakesproductions.com/?p=8008 What was once a dusty, rocky, dirt field is now a state-of-the-art soccer pitch with artificial turf and lights that normally stay on late into the night as community clubs and neighborhood children practice and play on the field. LWF Jerusalem purposely held this video for release on July 7th, to coincide with the beginning […]

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What was once a dusty, rocky, dirt field is now a state-of-the-art soccer pitch with artificial turf and lights that normally stay on late into the night as community clubs and neighborhood children practice and play on the field.

LWF Jerusalem purposely held this video for release on July 7th, to coincide with the beginning of the final week of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil. Many of the kids in the video dream of being a great footballer one day. With much sadness, the release of the video also comes at a time of tragedies and heightened tensions in Jerusalem. As if to express the collective grief and frustration of the community, the field has been dark and silent on recent nights.

This is one of a series of videos I produced this year with Mark Brown for The Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem Program.

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https://frakesproductions.com/2014/07/06/8008/feed/ 0 8008